Fundraising Overview
During the 2023-24 School Year we need to raise nearly $330,000 to support CMCS. The Pledge Drive will raise nearly 2/3 of the funds we need to support CMCS, so it is the is the foundation of our fundraising efforts. Read-a-Thon, Pump It Up, Parade of Masks, Sweethearts Dance, and other fundraisers help us reach our total fundraising goal, so your support throughout the year is vital!
Your tax-deductible gift to Pledge will help ensure that our children have all of the enrichment programs, extra support staff and technology that they need to thrive and succeed.
CSPA, dba CFF, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and our Federal ID number is 95-4058022.
Our goal is 100% participation. Contributions in any amount are welcome. We suggest that each family contribute $1,000 per child (which all children benefit from, regardless of ability to donate). More important than the amount you give, however, is the fact that you give. Please give a gift that is meaningful for your family.
MATCH Your GIFT when you give to Community Family and Friends (CFF) with the help of your employer and DOUBLE the IMPACT of Your Gift!
Many companies participate in matching gift programs. Some companies will even match gifts made by retirees and spouses of employees. To find out if your company has a matching gift policy, please contact your employer. If your company is eligible, request a matching gift form from your employer, and send it completed and signed with your gift. We will do the rest. The impact of your gift may be doubled or possibly tripled!
If your company participates in an employee matching gift program, please send us an email at so we can help you with the paperwork.
These fundraisers are a mixed bag and there is something for everyone’s taste. The objective is to gather families and/or just parents in a setting outside of school to socialize, have fun and help build the community all while raising funds for the school. These types of fundraisers include:
* Parade of Masks - Fall mini-carnival hosted by each room and Halloween costume parade.
* Book Fair - Annual book fair helps earn books for our beloved library! This year our event will be held in the Fall and the Spring!
* Pump It Up - This fitness-forward fundraiser encourages students to get sponsored by family and friends for their healthy fitness efforts. On event day, students cruise through fun fitness inspired stations with their grade. With an MC, music, and parents cheering them on— our students help support our school and get healthy at the same time!
* Read-a-thon - This fun event celebrates our readers while earning funds to support our school! Students teams will be transported through a reading adventure led by parent volunteers while getting sponsored for their reading efforts by family and friends! Students will log reading hours time, earn prizes for reading, and have a blast! Read-a-thon kicks off TBD!
* Sweetheart’s Dance - This fun Spring event brings together families and kids in a glow dance! Students and parents visit food/event booths for a short breather between dances led by our awesome DJ!
These fundraisers are a mixed bag and there is something for everyone’s taste. The objective is to gather families and/or just parents in a setting outside of school to socialize, have fun and help build the community all while raising funds for the school. These types of fundraisers include:
* Family Dinner Night- We all deserve a break from cooking sometimes. Family Dinner Nights are a great opportunity to let someone else do the cooking, meet friends, and raise money for our school at the same time. Bring a flyer and the restaurant will donate between 15 to 20% of your bill to our school -- it is that simple! Keep an eye out for upcoming events!
* Bus Route Fundraisers- What better way to get to know all the families at your bus stop than by doing a fundraiser together? This can be a bus route garage sale, kids lemonade stand, or having a mix and mingle at someone's house. The possibilities are endless!
* Parent Night Out - Parents deserve a break from the kids sometimes too. Parent Night Outs are evenings for parents to get out, socialize and have fun with each other, and earn money for our school in the process. Some Parent Night Out events may include a wine tasting, bingo night (not your grandma's bingo), dinner parties, comedy night and more! Please check the calendar to see when the next scheduled Community fundraiser is happening!
CFF has partnered with several organizations to allow a portion of your purchases to be reinvested in our school community. When you register and shop with the merchants listed below, a portion of your purchase will be donated to Community Families & Friends. This program is not solely limited to family members. Grandparents, neighbors, and friends can also participate--so spread the word!
* Ralphs Community Rewards - When you use a Ralphs card at checkout, 1-4% of your purchase will be donated to CFF. Link your rewards card with our school today!
* RaiseRight - Buy gift cards at face value to hundreds of retailers and the school gets a % (ranging from 1.5% to 14%). Includes grocery stores, restaurants, and many retailers. Makes great gifts for teachers, family and friends while supporting the school. Many e-gift cards can be purchased instantly. Use PrestoPay or Credit Card. For Scripnow or reloadable gift cards – scrip will be delivered instantly. Paper order forms will be sent home monthly with delivery of gift cards to your child’s backpack. Scrip is great for gift giving, shopping and dining. (Enrollment Code: 228BB4EB37483).
* Box Tops - Download the Box Tops mobile app, sign up, and just scan your store receipt. Those box tops add up; 10¢ for every Box Top!
* Yearbook - Every year students and Yearbook Committee staff work together to create an amazing yearbook for our families. Yearbook raises significant funds to support our school and also offers families a keepsake to remember the year! You won’t want to miss out on these precious memories! Order information will be sent out via FreshSchools!